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Darius Studying

What is LoL Recommender?

  • LoL Recommender is a League of Legends champion recommendation service that helps you find new champions to play.
  • Get recommended similar champions using your summoner name, a champion you like, or filter champions by a tag or combination of several tags.
  • Developed using a C# wrapper for the Riot API called RiotSharp
  • Relevant Champion Data
  • Recommended champions are only champions that are currently being played in Plat+ ranked games.
  • Every champion recommendation shows the highest win rate Summoner Spells, Builds, Skill Order, and Masteries for that champion based on Plat+ ranked games in the current patch (15.6).
  • Recommended champions will consist of different lanes/positions but you can use the filter to only show recommendations for a particular lane.
  • If you use this filter, the recommended champions will have the highest win rate build corresponding to the filtered position.
  • When using a champion for recommendations, the highest win rate info for the current patch (15.6) is displayed at the top of the page for the selected champion.
Blitzcrank Thinking
How does it work?
  • The recommendation algorithm dynamically assigns weighted tags to each champion based on the information available in the Riot API.
  • Weighted Tags
  • The tags are mapped to the API every time you load a page. This ensures that LoL Recommender stays up to date.
  • The weighted tags are mapped to a champion using a combination of text analysis and manual filters.
  • Champion Recommendations
  • When recommending by 1 or more champions, the recommendation algorithm compares the selected champion(s) with all other League of Legends champions that are currently being played in Plat+ ranked games.
  • Each champion is assigned a match score with all other champions.
  • The 8 champions with the highest match score are recommended (must be >50% match score).
  • Summoner Name Recommendations
  • When recommending by Summoner name, the recommendation algorithm grabs the Summoner's top 6 most played champions from their last 100 matches.
  • The champion recommendation algorithm is then run on each of the 6 champions and the resulting recommended champions are grouped together, sorted by match scores, and then the 8 champions with the highest match score are recommended.
  • Match Score Calculation
  • The Match Score is calculated using a combination of the number of tags in common and the total weight of all the shared tags.
Everything is fine Soraka
  • Donate - I am solo developing and hosting LoL Recommender off of my laptop so please consider donating so I can keep it going and add to it!
  • Contact - If you notice anything wrong with the site, have feedback, want to advertise, or would like your art featured, please contact me.
  • Art Source - All of the art is currently coming from the League of Legends Wiki.
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